Monday, August 24, 2009

Knowing Fish

"One day Chuang Tzu and a friend were walking by a river. "Look at the fish swimming about," said Chuang Tzu, "They are really enjoying themselves."

"You are not a fish," replied the friend, "So you can't truly know that they are enjoying themselves."

"You are not me," said Chuang Tzu. "So how do you know that I do not know that the fish are enjoying themselves?" "

(Zen Stories -


In this story, the friend does not think Chuang Tzu knows how the fish feel b/c Chuang Tzu is not the fish. But then according to Chuang Tzu, the friend is not him, so the friend does not know what he knows.

The moral of this story is not to form any opinion on anything b/c we are not that person. I have used this story once to ask everyone to back up and let me make my own decision b/c I should know myself the best. Since then, the story constantly reminds me on how to treat others. I cannot use my influential power to make people do what I want them to do. It may not be the best for someone. Or it may not be something to make someone happy. If I truly love or care about someone, I should let them do whatever makes them happy. I have to remember this when my child arrives and grows up. I may be wiser; I may have more experiences; But I'm still not my child. I should let her decide what makes her happy. I should always support and guide her but should not dictate on what she should do.

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